How can I login to my account ?

You supposed received an email from EOS include a link to set a new password then you will use this email and the new password to login to your EOS account

What is the benefits to active my online account ?

– Renew your EOS membership much easier using the website
– Update your society personal profile
– Know last subscription date for your EOS membership
– Easily registration for EOS conferences
– Ability to make website subscription to enjoy with all scientific content
1- Browse our journal
2- Watch videos for conferences’ sessions
3- Browse our scientific PDFs
4-Free access for the American Academy of Ophthalmology ONE Network.

What I have to do if i didn't get my EOS account ?

Please visit this link and provide us with your updated data to review and active your account

Can I use this online system to be an EOS member?

Please request a membership and we will check it and back you with the response …

I make the EOS account why couldn't i review my account information?

To be able to enjoy all members’ benefits you have to renew your membership to the last year

I already renew my EOS membership and i couldn't access the scientific content

To have the ability to access all scientific content you have to subscribe to the website