- Abstracts must be submitted electronically.
- Abstracts may be submitted in any discipline related to ophthalmology, including cataract and anterior segment, glaucoma, refractive surgery, cornea, and dry eye, pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, oculoplastic, uveitis, neuro-ophthalmology, retina, epidemiology, or history.
- Abstracts should be submitted in the following format:
o Title of abstract (maximum 50 words)
o Authors
o Presenting author
o Background (Purpose)
o Methods
o Results
o Conclusions - The total number of words in the abstract, excluding title and authors, should not exceed 300 words.
- The abstract title must not include any trade names. They may, however, be used in the content of your text.
- No author or institution name should be featured in the body of the abstract.
- Authors will have the choice during their submission to decide whether they want their abstract presented as a poster only, an oral presentation only, or in either format.
- Posters will be presented in an electronic poster format. For posters, submitting author does not need to attend the meeting, but registration of the submitting author is mandatory. For all oral presentations, presenting author must attend the Free Paper Session and present their abstract in a 7-minute PowerPoint presentation. All oral presentations will be discussed in the session. No pre-recorded oral presentations will be allowed.
- The deadline for abstract submission is 15 December 2024.
- Abstracts will be sent for scoring, and the submitting author will be notified by the decision by 15 January 2025. Scoring will be based on the novelty of the work, the clarity of the abstract, and how does it add to what is known.
- The maximum number of accepted abstracts for each presenting author is 2 abstracts.
- All presenting authors will be required to register for the meeting before 31 January 2025
- Award(s) will be given for the best oral presentations and posters.

I have read the information above and submit now.

- Videos must be submitted electronically.
- Videos may be submitted in any discipline related to ophthalmology, including cataract and anterior segment, glaucoma, refractive surgery, cornea, and dry eye, pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, oculoplastic, uveitis, neuro-ophthalmology, retina, or others
- Videos should be submitted in the following format:
o Category/Subspecialty
o Title of video (maximum 50 words)
o Authors
o Presenting author
o Brief description of the video (maximum 250 words) - The video title must not include any trade names. They may, however, be used in the content of your text.
- No author or institution name should be featured in the body of the abstract.
- A link will be provided for uploading the video. Video must be submitted in a common format e.g. avi, mpeg, mp4, etc.,
- The duration of the video should not exceed 7 minutes
- Videos can be narrated or subtitled.
- The deadline for abstract submission is 15 December 2024.
- Videos will be sent for scoring, and the submitting author will be notified by the decision by 15 January 2025. The score will be based on the novelty of the video, the quality of the video recording, and how much it would add to the attendees.
- The maximum number of accepted videos for each presenting author is 2 videos.
- All presenting authors will be required to register for the meeting before 31 January 2025
- Award(s) will be given for the best video(s) presented
I have read the information above and submit now.

- Abstracts must be submitted electronically.
- Abstracts may be submitted in any discipline related to ophthalmology, including cataract and anterior segment, glaucoma, refractive surgery, cornea, and dry eye, pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, oculoplastic, uveitis, neuro-ophthalmology, retina, epidemiology, or history.
- Abstracts should be submitted in the following format:
o Title of abstract (maximum 50 words)
o Authors
o Presenting author
o Background (Purpose)
o Methods
o Results
o Conclusions - The total number of words in the abstract, excluding title and authors, should not exceed 300 words.
- The abstract title must not include any trade names. They may, however, be used in the content of your text.
- No author or institution name should be featured in the body of the abstract.
- Authors will have the choice during their submission to decide whether they want their abstract presented as a poster only, an oral presentation only, or in either format.
- Posters will be presented in an electronic poster format. For posters, submitting author does not need to attend the meeting, but registration of the submitting author is mandatory. For all oral presentations, presenting author must attend the Free Paper Session and present their abstract in a 7-minute PowerPoint presentation. All oral presentations will be discussed in the session. No pre-recorded oral presentations will be allowed.
- The deadline for abstract submission is 15 December 2024.
- The age of the submitter must not exceed 35 years.
- Abstracts will be sent for scoring, and the submitting author will be notified by the decision by 15 January 2025.
- The maximum number of accepted abstracts for each presenting author is 1 abstracts.
- All presenting authors will be required to register for the meeting before 31 January 2025
- Award(s) will be given for the best presentations.
I have read the information above and submit now.

- Courses must be submitted electronically.
- Courses may be submitted in any discipline related to ophthalmology, including cataract and anterior segment, glaucoma, refractive surgery, cornea, and dry eye, pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus, oculoplastic, uveitis, neuro-ophthalmology, retina, epidemiology, or others.
- Courses should be submitted in the following format:
o Title of the course (maximum 50 words)
o Organizer/Coordinator of the course
o Presenting speakers
o Titles of the talks and a brief description of what each title will cover
(maximum 300 words)
o Target audience: Basic, Intermediate, or Advanced
o Duration of the course: 60 or 90 minutes - The course title should not include any trade names. They may, however, be used in the content of your text.
- No author or institution name should be featured in the body of the course.
- It is highly encouraged to include speakers from different institutes or organizations.
- The deadline for courses submission is 15 December 2024.
- Courses will be sent for scoring, and the submitting author will be notified by the decision by 15 January 2025. Scoring will be based on the scientific content, the novelty of the content, the experience of the presenting speakers in their discipline, and the diversity of the speakers.
- The maximum number of accepted courses for each organizer/coordinator is 1 course.
- All presenting speakers will be required to register for the meeting before 31 January 2025.
I have read the information above and submit now.